On Saturday, Mar 1, 2003, at 04:56 US/Pacific, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

where is the rest of my quote that says unless they don't have any SLR.?

Wasn't your full message:

just about everyone that would buy a Pentax DSLR anyway. as BR is fond of pointing
out, no-one is going to buy a Pentax DSLR that
isn't already committed to Pentax. looks, whether exotic or mundane, won't affect any
non-Pentax user's decision unless they have no
SLR at all.

Which seems to be making two disjoint statements: a) that nobody who isn't already committed to Pentax (which I interpreted as having an existing Pentax outfit) is going to buy a Pentax DSLR, and b) looks won't affect what that hypothetical non-Pentax user does.

I see no "unless they don't have any SLR" on the end of that first sentence,

David Barts
Portland, OR

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