On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 15:12:36 +0100
"Rüdiger Neumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hallo,
> there was so much discussion about "How sexy is the *istD" that an
> important news was not comented.
> >From Mike:
> Oly will show the 4/3 system on PMA (see below)
> It seems very important, that the *istD is that small, so that the
> main argument for the 4/3 system in not valid for Pentax.
> I also think, that there are more old Pentax lenses (MF+AF) than
> Olympus lenses and you can start your pentax system without buying
> new lenses (of cours, if you are already pentax user)

Ahmm....from what I have been reeding, the Olympus 4/3 system will
*not* support the old OM mount lenses. That was one very big reason
why I decided to start migrating from Olympus to another system:
Olympus officially announced total abandonment of the OM system
(effectively, they started abandonning us Zuikoholics back in the
late 80'es, but we were - of course - too stubborn to admit that).

I am happy that my decission to go Pentax as "another system" seems
to carry over in the digital domain.

In my humble opinion, the ist-D from Pentax looks interresting and is
arriving at a reasonable point in time - whereas no matter what
Olympus may come out with, it will be too late, and there will be no
real reason to buy into it since there is no backwards compatibility.

No, I have not pre-ordered an ist-D, and I am not going to. When they
get to my neck of the woods, I will go to my local photo-pusher to
borrow one for a few days. If I like it, then I'll keep it. I'll not
put money down for a camera I have never had the ability to run a
film through first....ehh...uhmm....you know what I mean :)


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