Hello Tony,

the 1.7 F converter covers not the whole range. It can only
focus when you are in some range close to the focus. That depends
clearly on the focal length of the used lens. So the behaviour 
you have discribed is normal. 

The difference between the automatically found focus and the
correction done by hand may be due to somewhat wrong diopter
correction of the finder or a misalignement of the AF sensor
and the screen. My finding was: Often the AF sensor is right
and the focusing by hand is not.

Best regards, Hans. 

--- "Tony Gieske" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Pentax people:
>I bought a 1.7 F Pentax teleconverter because somewhere I heard you could
>use it to convert Pentax A lenses to autofocus lenses. I bought it on eBay,
>and I think it came from overseas, because I couldn't find it
>at any of the mail order houses or any of the local photo shops here in
>I can't get it to work properly with my ZX 5n.
>Coupled with my Pentax 85mm f1.4 A lens, it racks the lens a quarter
>inch or so, leaves image blurry. If you hand turn the lens all the way
>out to infinity, it bucks back and forth trying to focus. (I'm test
>focusing on a TV screen.)
>If you get close to sharp focus by hand, it will pull the image in till
>the indicator light flashes in the viewfinder and the beeper sounds, and
>then it stops. But you may or may not be in sharp focus. It's often
>close, but then you need to give it a tiny little turn more by hand to
>get it really sharp.
>I tried turning the aperture ring to A and the shutter speed dial to A
>and it seemed to work somewhat better, but not consistently.
>Coupled with my Pentax 135mm f1.8 A, the AF works much better, but you
>still must get it close by hand.
>Anybody got any tips about this?
>Tony Gieske

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