On 03.3.14 1:37 AM, "Ryan K. Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thought that was a GM/Ford thing...  Do you know which Japanese cars
> talked?
> I remember "Door is Ajar", but I thought that was in some big boat of a car.

>From 1986 for about 5 years, I was driving 300ZX Turbo (Nissan), and it was
a tlking car.  Yes, it did say "door is ajar" (I thought it also said which
door), "fuel level is low" and a few other things which I do not remember
any more (oh yes, "parking brake is on" and probably something to do with
the seatbelts), all in a soft young lady's voice.  After a while, it started
sounding as if I was scolded by a fussy wife or something and getting a
little annoying.  Also, the instrument panel was a star wars or video arcade
game thing with strange histogram-like vertical bar graph, which occupied
most of the front instrument panel, indicating the manifold pressure (I
thought it was) which goes up and down constantly.  Other indications such
as tachometer and speedometer are all digital, and again busy changing
Those days are gone....
Since then, I came to "hate" digital indications which are not quite
intuitive :-).



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