Hi, Paul, facing the same dilemma I'm leaning towards a Cokin P
  holder but I'm wary about the allegedly poor quality of resin
  Cokins. On the other hand, the glass Tieffens are outrageously
  expensive; does anybody know anything about the resin made Hitec,
  priced in between?
  As for vignetting, rectangular filters won't pose this problem.
  Vinaigretting however means that springtime is close. And serving
  the salad in a FA* 24/2 looks like the supreme refinement. ;o)

  Servus,   Alin

Paul wrote:

PE> I've been thinking about getting a filter system lately, mainly for grad 
PE> nd's but maybe other filters as well.  One obvious problem is vinegretting 
PE> with my FA* 24mm when I also use my Heliopan polarizer.
PE> What filter systems do you use?
PE> Also is there a vinegretting problem with the 24mm when using two screw in 
PE> filters?
PE> All help would be much appreciated
PE> Paul

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