i use two systems, regular screw-in at 77m with necessary adapter rings for most 
things like circular polarizer, UV, Skylight, warming, and then the Cokin P for all of 
the gradient ND filters. i might someday have to get a circular polarizer for the 
Cokin P, but for now, not planning on it. i have seen vignetting with two regular 
sized filters at 24mm, but i usually use an ultrathin circular polarizer and that 
stacked with a single regular screw-in filter seems to be OK.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Eriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 01:33
Subject: Filter system?

> I've been thinking about getting a filter system lately, mainly for grad 
> nd's but maybe other filters as well.  One obvious problem is vinegretting 
> with my FA* 24mm when I also use my Heliopan polarizer.
> What filter systems do you use?
> Also is there a vinegretting problem with the 24mm when using two screw in 
> filters?

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