I hear Oxford is dead these days.  Since they declared war on the motor
car and Reading completely redeveloped and created a massive new
shooping centre, everyone comes here.

They cant build the bars fast enough.  I am amazed how they are all
still packed.  Almost every other building is a massive bar or
restaurant or pub or nightclub!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jostein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 19 March 2003 16:59
> Subject: Re: Why I stick to Pentax (was: Good-bye Pentax)
> Cheers to that, Cotty!
> As I said, yesterday, Arnolds post made the whole difference.
> Any good bars/pubs in Oxford, btw? :-)
> Jostein
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cotty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Actually I think this is a great place to hang out. Just like many
> have
> > said before, it's like a bar. There's regulars, passers-by,
> hangers-on,
> > loiterers, undesirables, friendlies, all sorts. But it's not a bad
> bar,
> > and you can pick and choose who you chat with, who you listen to.
> The one
> > undeniable draw that brings everyone in is the Pentax gear. Anything
> else
> > is spurious, and either light relief, or unwelcome intrusion. Earwig
> or
> > move away accordingly!

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