Thanks Bruce, 

the shots look good to me!  JOOC, what does PGI stand
for?  Sorry I'm technically-challenged.

Based on your comment, would you say that it shows
similiar characteristics to the VC160, when you make

Thanks again for everyone's help!

--- Bruce Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The first 5 shots here:
> were done with UC. The rest are Fuji 400. I'm not
> sure what you can tell 
> by looking at smallish files on a monitor. Prints
> done on Royal Kodak 
> paper look really good. The film has the same PGI as
> VC160 which is 
> lower than the other 400 Portra films.
> BR
> >Bruce:
> >
> >Do you (or anyone else here on the list) have
> sample
> >photos that I could look at, where you used Kodak
> >Portra 400UC?  I'm curious to see the colors,
> >especially with skin tones.  I have not shot it
> yet,
> >and would appreciate a sneak peak before buying
> some.
> >
> >Thanks for the referral to Kodak-looks like a good
> >deal to me!
> >
> >  
> >

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