On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, T Rittenhouse wrote:
> Film may actually be with us for another 25, or more, years though any real
> need for it may disappear in the not too distant future (5 years or so).

Most film will dissapear, as you say.. but I am willing to bet that B&W
film in major sizes (135, 120, 4x5) will be around for a long, long time.
It may be pressed by little companies at a premium, but it will be here.
Take a look at Maco who now provides a 4x5 infrared film where Kodak has
moved on. As the bigger companies leave film behind for more lucrative
pastures, smaller players will step in and keep people who produce "fine
art" in film, because no matter how prevelant film is, people will pay
more for "traditional" processes.. even if that's banging out a print on
RC paper on a cold-light enlarger. To a future of inkjet and lasers,
that's still fancy stuff.. and stuff that people will pay extra for.

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