My most expensive lens is Tamron 300mm/2.8 and paid
700usd. I spent 1500usd on my Nikon LS-4000 scanner.

There are set of people who can not spend 1.5K on
camera body.

There are another set of people(like me), who can 
spend money but it takes long time convince
themselves. One year back, I never thought that I will
be spending 700usd on a single lens(300mm/2.8); it
took more than 6 months to convince myself that I can
not get 300mm/2.8 lens for 400usd and need to spend at
least 700usd. 

Similarly, at present I am trying to convince myself
that I need to spend 1.5K to buy a DSLR.


--- Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Gary L. Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Mark Roberts wrote:
> >
> >>How about an informal survey of how many people on
> this list own cameras
> >>of any type/brand that cost $900 or more (I'll
> make that a little bit
> >>approximate and include the MZ-S).
> >>
> >
> >If you make that "anything that shoots" I've got
> several in and beyond 
> >that price range. :-)
> HAR!
> I just thought of a better survey question to ask:
> How many people have never spent over $500 for a
> camera?
> (And how much of the camera-buying public falls
> under this category?)
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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