On 15/9/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>I want a digital camera. I need it.
>For a couple of years I have been eagerly waiting for an affordable to me
>Pentax DSLR.
>Now we've got the ist D at $1699. I can't afford it, other than by taking
>some uncomfortable financial chances.
>Then the Canon 300D appeared at half the price of the istD. (And for the
>price of the istD I can get an necessary upgrade of my P166 and P133
>computers on Win95 too...)
>Those of you who have been following specs etc. closer than me:
>Tell me why I should or should not buy the Canon.
>Tell me why I still should, or shouldn't, buy the istD, at double the price.

Hi Lasse,

Personally I think you will be disappointed with the 300D. The lower spec
of the camera compared with the Canon 10D and the Pentax *ist D (or the
pair of Nikon-fit offerings for that matter) will be a real bug bear
after the initial honeymoon has worn off.

Things like only being able to shoot 4 frames in rapid succession before
the camera stops for a few seconds and does its thing before letting you
carry on. It's bad enough with 8 frames on the D60. Four would be
intolerable for me. The wait is only a matter of a few seconds, but each
one of those seconds is how many missed pictures if you need them?

Things like the build quality - I must be careful here as I have not seen
or touched either camera. I suspect that the build quality of the 300D
will not instil a sense of confidence that the build quality of the 10D/
*ist D will. The 300D has more plastic aboard, and will feel like it. It
is also nowhere near the Pentax in the beauty contest.

The pictures from both cameras will blow you away though. No doubt about
that. These 6MP DSLRs are in a league of their own.

In your position I would not hesitate - I would wait for the *ist D. It
is a few seconds to midnight on the *ist D Delivery Clock. Don't jump as
the gate is about to open!

If you insist on having one now, and price is a factor, consider a used
D60 or 10D. Or how about a Sigma SD-9 and one or two lenses? I wouldn't,
but some do ;-) I really think you will kick yourself if you plump for
the 300D.

Not an easy choice to make when you are really in a position to do it.
Much easier for me to make the decision for you, LOL.

Good luck Mr Karlsson. This email will self-destruct in 5 seconds.


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