It works better than XP, just try it...............

And XP is very stable.


-----Original Message-----
From: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 September 2003 00:20
Subject: Re: My own little *ist D review (fwd)

Gee, I sure hope the istD works better than WinME.

Lon Williamson wrote:

> Mark, I think this is crap.
> Pentax has been screwing with DLSRs for 4 years.
> That's enough time to hatch, say, WindowsME.
> And cameras ain't as hard as operating sytems.
> Pentax may need to hire some more SW engineers.
> Mebbe they can find some in Pakinstan.
> Mark Roberts wrote:
>> "whickersworld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Chris Brogden wrote:
>>>> So if the Nikon D100 will stop down an MF lens in manual mode (no
>>>> meter), then it's actually a step ahead of the *istD, which won't 
>>>> even stop down an MF Pentax K-mount lens.  That's sad.
>>> Yes, it is sad.  In each case, the necessary engineering would have 
>>> cost only a nominal amount of money.
>> In the case of stop-down metering in the *ist-D I suspect that money 
>> wasn't as much of a factor as time. Even with the lack of the 
>> aperture simulator, stop-down metering certainly could have been 
>> implemented in software (using the DOF preview) but would have 
>> required more software coding, and the attendant debugging and 
>> hardware testing. Given the lateness of the DSLR project as a whole 
>> (just look at how much complaining there still is about having to 
>> wait) it was a predictable corner to cut simply to get the camera to 
>> market quicker.


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