Okay digital dabblers, here's what AP has to say about the diminutive
Pentax *ist D:

The review is by Chris Gatcum and I hope the snippets of verbatim text
here will act as an impetus to go and buy the magazine (where available)
instead of providing AP with ammunition for breach of copyright. I claim
UK News Access, and attribute accordingly.

Generally the review is very positive, with plenty of glowing tributes
and acknowledgements. The lack of noise on images was singled out for
special praise, especially at higher ISO settings, as was general build
quality and handling. Backward lens compatibility is noted although it is
acknowledged that pre-1984 lenses may not work properly'. The autofocus
was also highly praised, as well as the exposure system - with one
notable exception. On occasion the reviewer encountered underexposure by
up to 2/3 of a stop on random images. The apparent fault was duplicated
on a second *ist D body, so it is thought to be a small bug? Another
gripe was the position of some of the buttons on the rear of the body.
The reviewer admits that this is down to personal preference and no
adverse effects on camera handling were encountered. The review starts
with a 'is it too little too late, or better late than never' question,
and ends on:

"...there is little fault with the *ist D. When it comes to answering the
question of whether this camera is 'too little, too late', the answer is
a resounding 'No'. Pentax may have been guilty of dragging its heels when
it has come to producing a D-SLR, but the end product - the *ist D - is
certainly worth the wait."


Just going back into the review, some highlights:

"....By far the biggest boon to *ist D users, however, is the inclusion 
of a PC sync socket, something that is absent from the 35mm *ist. This
opens the camera up to a host of studio and other off-camera flash-
lighting sources, and certainly gives the *ist D a more professional spec."

"...Mirror lock-up is an occasionally seen feature that will particularly
appeal to still-life and landscape photographers. However....it is
disappointing that there is not a standard cable-release socket as well.
Instead, we have to invest in the optional remote release..."

"...the multiple-exposure facility offered by the *ist D and this is
something seen on very few other digital SLRs. It is possible to set this
to capture between two and nine images on a single 'frame' ."

"...Instead of plastic, Pentax has provided the *ist D with a purposeful
stainless-steel shell, producing a camera that definitely feels like a
high-end SLR should."

"...The maximum amount you can zoom in [on the rear LCD] is a whopping
12x. This means that you are seeing one in every five pixels that make up
your images, allowing you to accurately check your focus in even the
smallest areas. When you want to know that everything is correct, this is
definitely what you need."

"...What you might not want or need so much are the tardy recording
times.....Shooting a TIFF file results in a 25 second delay while the
image records to your card......"

"...Overall the *ist D is a very nice camera to use."

"...Noise - or a lack of it - is an area where the *ist D excels. At the
minimum ISO 200 setting it is barely noticeable....when you use the *ist
D's custom function to squeeze an effective sensitivity of ISO 3200 out
of the sensor that the camera really shines.....the coarseness is not as
extreme as it can be with other cameras at comparative ISO
settings....the noise is not too dissimilar in terms of its appearance to
the grain of a 35mm film rated at the same speed (Fuji Press 800 pushed
two stops, for example)..."

"...Occasionally...the camera has provided us with a result...that
...is...underexposed...The underexposure, while not disastrous, is
annoying - especially as it appears to happen randomly."

"...the centreweighted and spot-metering patterns on the *ist D prove
reliable and consistent, so there is always the option to switch to one
of these..."


"As this is Pentax's first production model digital SLR, I have to take
my hat off to the company. Aside from one or two wrinkles that could
possibly do with being ironed out, Pentax has produced a remarkably good
camera...the *ist D is certainly worth the wait..."

AP rating - 89%


AP Editor Gary Coward-Williams writes in his leader column:

"Just when you think that the battle for dominance in the digital SLR
market is essentially a two-horse race, Pentax has fought back with a
very strong offering in the form of its new, but bizarrely named, *ist D.
If I were a Pentax owner I would either be overjoyed to discover that I
can use my optics with a product from the manufacturer of my choice, or I
would be angry that impatience got the better of me and I had already
bought something that has meant a costly re-think with optics. Either
way, after a false start a year or so ago, it is good to know that a
company so pivotal to the SLR camera in its early days is still prepared
to get into the ring to slug it out with Canon and Nikon.....The lens
mount is the key to digital SLR domination, and Nikon and Canon are
already well ahead on that score. Can Pentax play catch-up?"


Quoted text copyright IPC Media and Amateur Photographer

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