> Boris wrote:
> BL> This is most unusual. My ZX-L for instance, shows aperture value in
> BL> the viewfinder if a lens that has "A" position is set to some other 
> BL> aperture. I thought that it came through electronics, this displayed 
> BL> value. Why it is not supported in this case?
>   Aperture is indeed transmitted digitally to the camera by the F/FA
>   lenses, so use of aperture set on the lens would have been perfectly
>   possible with the *istd. But P deliberately invalidated this
>   functionality through software, as it is forcing its users to abandon
>   the aperture ring and sets the premise for a complete switch to the
>   FAJ line.

Personally I find this incessant tirade accusing Pentax of deliberate
conspiracies is more than a little tiresome.  It's not as if you can't
continue to use old A, F and FA lenses - it's just that you have to
use the aperture control on the camera, not the aperture ring on the
lens.  You haven't lost any functionality; you've just lost one style
of control for getting at that functionality.  So they chose not to
support an alternative interface.  Oh dear, what a shame.  Using the
body-mounted control, in fact, is in some ways superior to using the
aperture ring; with variable-aperture lenses you don't really know what
aperture you'll be getting when you use the aperture ring on the lens.

Given the presence of a perfectly functional aperture control on the
body, why *should* Pentax invest much effort in supporting alternatives?
The more complex the hardware or software, the more expensive it is
to manufacture, test, and repair, and the more likely it is to break.
If the body doesn't need to read aperture settings from the lens then
adding a means to do so (be it mechanical for "A" lenses, or digital
for "F" lenses) is just one more thing that could go wrong.

Complaining that the *ist-D makes you use the body-mounted control
rather than a lens-mounted control is just petulant whining. When
the MZ-S dropped the separate body-mounted aperture control, rather
than supporting the PZ-1p style of interface there were expressions
of displeasure, but then everybody got on with using the tools that
were available.

The other big complaint about the *ist-D - that it doesn't support
metering with older "K" lenses - is all about a loss of functionality.
In the absence of the mechanical aperture-sensing lever, and assuming
that the lens should normally be left at full aperture for composition,
etc., there's no way for the metering to be permanently enabled.  But
it *would* be possible to program some control (the green button? or
the AF button?) to stop the lens down to taking aperture, take an
instantaneous reading, and display the over/under exposure bars for
as long as the control was being pressed.

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