>Well, we may start a plea to Pentax to make open source of *istd
  code. Then found the Pentax Users Development Group and take over the
  job of stripping their bugs off. We'll publish free monthly OS
  updates and use PDML for testing (on real units donated by Pentax of
  course). Then Pentax can leave the software development to us, its
  loyal users, and get back to what they know best - making cameras
  and lenses. According to our specifications of course. No FAJ please.
  And btw, I'll write the K/M module myself. Just let me know if you
  need a downloadable MTF database for those darn old lenses.
 > Servus,  Alin

Actually, it seems to me this should be quite doable. Really. It's been done 
in other arenas. Like DVD players, etc. The Net has a long tradition of 
hacking and sharing code, too.

The only thing I can't figure out (not having seen a *istD) is how can one 
upload new software to it? Or any DSLR for that matter?

Someone on this list must know.

Marnie aka Doe 

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