----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Gonzalez"
Subject: Re: Old lenses and *ist D

> You're right, we'll just keep arguing here over what Pentax's real
> motivation was and never know until Pentax decides to tell us, if ever.
>   Basically we'll never know.

Personally, I don't care either. The camera is nice, though not perfect. I
have plenty of lenses to use, and if I can't use a few of my K/M lenses, so
I went through many years as a photographer with just a 50mm lens, and did
some of my very best work with it.
I still have a few (dozen) film cameras that I can use, if I want to, and I
can use my older lenses on bodies that they are contemporaneous with.

Life is far too short to worry about things of little importance. K/M lens
compatability falls into that category.
For me it became a "so what?" issue when I picked up the ist D.

William Robb

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