Wendy posted:
> At 10:49 AM 13/10/2003 -0400, Vic wrote:
> >The down side that gets overlooked is the amount of time needed to tweak and
> >file all the digital images.
> Have to agree with that.
> On the other hand, shooting digital has forced me to catalogue and backup 
> my shots. I now have a CD (or DVD) in a box file with an index print 
> showing all the files on the disc.
> Shooting film, I'd get a load back from the processors, look through them 
> and then stack the envelopes neatly on the floor. Periodically the 
> envelopes would be moved to another spot and re-stacked when it looked like 
> the pile was about to fall over.

I hear that!
Have 8,400+ photos in my Photoshop Album catalogue. The vast majority are 
digital images.
All the digital images I've kept are easy to find -- they're stored on CD-Rs in 
numerical order. Most of my negatives and slides are nicely filed, by year, in 
Find prints though ....

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