I have added a male lion to my nature Portraits page. It's a series of zoo 
portraits that I've been working on over the past month or two. I've mentioned 
it a few times on the PUG with a link to the site but have got very little 
response at all.
To me that usually means people don't like them. That's fine, but no one has 
said anything about them. The images certainly represent a major departure to 
what is commonly viewed here on the PUG. Is it because this group has 
difficulty dealing with an image that isn't pure photography or that represents a 
style that is not easily accessible to them?
I must admit that It puzzles me a little.
Anyway here is a link to ten or so images. They are all zoo images that have 
been created in photoshop and a program called painter from my original 
Comments appreciated good or BAD.
here's a link to the site....

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