Hey, Marnie:

So, have you actually modifiied (I guess that should be "Cottified", eh?) your Elan yet?

If not, I'm just wondering whether it might actually be cheaper (and safer) to just go out and buy a cheap Spottie. Users can be had for under $50 US, even less if you can stand to forego convenience of the meter and use a handheld.

I mean, from Cotty's POV, wanting to put M42's on a digital camera, he'd have to modify (being a pre-*ist D endeavor for him). But, you're using a film camera anyway, so is it really necessary to mutilate your Canon for that purpose? Not that I have a problem with the mutilation of any Canon - they've got it coming to them, haven't they? <vbg>

Anyway, if you boiught that lens (whether from Collin or elsewhere), you'll be mightily impressed with it.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Well, someone on this list previously mentioned it was a great lens. (Paul, I
think, but can't swear to it).

And I had mentioned I wanted to "pull A Cotty" ;-) and put some Pentax
screwmounts on my Canon for future PUGs.

So, yeah, I got it.

Marnie aka Doe Got a good deal, too. (Later I'll look around for a 105 or
something also.) Got to have SOME Pentax equipment to stay hanging around here.

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