> But, really briefly, yeah, I am female and I find the ad 
> sexist. Disappointed in Pentax.
> I usually do when there is an undressed woman with a fully 
> dressed man. And especially when that depiction is used to 
> sell something.

It's a dated style of advertising and you have to wonder if it's been used
before sometime and been cheap to re-use. For a piece of new technology, it
has no great selling point, or any Pentax selling point for that matter.

I often wonder how many companies production departments must groan, when
they see how badly their new product is misplaced advertising wise, as those
who sell, often appear to have no comprehension or understanding of the
product that needs to be sold, which they have spent so much time getting to

As a Land-Rover owner for 20+ years, I note Land-Rover hits the right
advertising notes, many from the past which I have collected. The 80s
Range-Rover advert showing a Range-Rover fording a river with the caption
'We brake for fish', was amusing, inoffensive and attention grabbing, and
was in keeping with the product being marketed.

It can be done. Pentax take note.


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