I found that "pre-focus" was the one purely AF skill that I had to
practice, and, as mentioned, there is not appreciable shutter lag once
you get used to that.  I also tried an approach similar to the one Cotty
mentioned of using the "AF-C" setting on the MZ-S (I kow it's not
digtial but the pricnipe is the same) wchich will fire the even if the
camera doesn't belive the subject is in focus.  I could never perfect
this, however, so now I just switch to manual fro a carefully timed
release.  The funniest part about the E-10 is that is doesn't have
moving mirror, so I have to set the sound to go "click" so I know I
actually tripped the shutter.  I has tried the "quiet" mode but I kept
getting fooled.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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