I can honestly say that the pz-1 is 100% quieter than the sf-1.I'LL KEEP THIS THING.
Beside the SP ..............
                                > The mirror/shutter vibration is significant enough 
cause problem with 
> slow shutter speed handheld shots or supertele like 600mm. If that's 
> important to you, you can forget Z-1p.
> Alan Chan
> http://www.pbase.com/wlachan
> >I'm thinking of moving my photography from the 70s to the 80s (or even
> >beyond) and embrace this new fangled autofocus thing.
> >
> >I'm considering buying an autofocus camera to replace an LX.
> >
> >Reading between the lines on some recent posts, people seem to value their
> >PZ-1p higher than the MZ-S.
> >
> >My impressions are that the autofocus on the MZ-S is faster (which I
> >probably don't need as I don't do many action shots), but the user 
> >interface
> >on the PZ-1p is "better", however you define better.
> >
> >I can also see some differences between the PZ-1 and PZ1-p specifications.
> >
> >So the question is fairly simple.
> >
> >If I can buy an MZ-S for £450, a PZ-1P for £300 and a PZ-1 for £200 which
> >are typical s/h prices in the UK, what should I go for?
> >
> >.Peter
> >
> >BTW, if I go ahead with this, I'll have an LX and K 50mm f/1:1.2 to dispose
> >of to fund the acquisition. Let me know if you're interested.
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