Paul Stenquist wrote:

> I use a Bogen 3036 (I don't know the corresponding Manfrotto 
> number) with a Bogen 3047 head. This setup allows for 
> shooting straight down and at very low height (18 inches I 
> think). It's quite hefty, but you need that for MF. I bought 
> mine used on ebay for less than $100. It's a bit scratched up 
> but fully functional.  think I paid about $60 for the head 
> which is mint.

Thanks Paul, I don't mind a bit of hefty kit at all. Ah, the complications
to photography that adding MF brings. Sturdier tripod, another projector
needed...and the 67 doesn't fit my camera bag....I feel a Christmas hint
coming on.


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