I just read somewhere that Sony ( or maybe it
was minolta?) has a new digicam ( not slr)
with 8Mpixel sensor!

Looks like 6Mpixel is not the leveling off
point in consumer models after all....

   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://jcoconnell.com

-----Original Message-----
From: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: way OT: CD/LP was A conversation with Noritsu.

That does seem likely, Robert.

I looked trough the B&H Digital Source Book last night. Let me hit the
for those who have not studied it.

Fuji has a 6mp EVF camera out (first 6mp comsumer digital).
Minolta and Panasonic each have a model with images stablization.
Other than that all that I see is cosmetic and minor upgrades (4x zooms
replacing 3x, etc.).

This is definately a sign that digital is becoming a mature market.

The Olympus C-5060Z (I have been wishing for a C-5050Z)has a slower (1.5
4x zoom and new cosmetics. Both make it less desirable to me than the 5050.
well, I can't afford it any more than I can afford an istD.


Mark Roberts wrote:

> To bring this back to within spitting distance of being on-topic: I
> expect the way the LP/CD relationship compares to film/digital will be
> in the way it affects the availability of equipment. After CD's took
> over it was still possible to buy turntables, but only either really
> cheap ones or really high end models; the formerly vast middle ground
> vanished. I expect will happen when digital SLR's get down to $500.00 or
> so: We'll se film cameras that are really cheap (<$200.00) entry-level
> models or expensive exotics and not much in between.


"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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