The Epson 3200 will produce nice scans from 35mm film. Scanned at 3200 and ized to 300dpi, you get a print of approximagely 10 x13. I've shown some of mine to the lab guys. They were sure I had shot them on 6x7.
On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 01:44 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

You're going to use a flatbed scanner for 35mm negatives? Say it isn't so, Joe!

"J. C. O'Connell" wrote:

I bought a new film scanner, a Epson 3200


What I like is I can scan everything from 35mm up to
4X5 and even do 4X9 crops from 8X10.  Once I get it
I will post a few sample pix.

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