this fits me closest. i have some film left to polish off, but after that i
am not sure which film i will end up with. i normally shoot Provia 100F with
Velvia 50 sometimes. i used to use Provia 400F for my long lens shots
because i needed the speed for the higher shutter speeds. now, if i am going
to shoot 400, i'm giving up enough anyway that i might as well just use the
*istD at 800 and give up a little less. i expect to shoot some Provia 100F
for quite a while and Velvia when i think i will get results that i will
blow up a lot more than 12x18.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 12:59 PM
Subject: Silly Digital Survey

> 3) How many have made the switch to digital, but keep a film camera
> around for one reason or another, although you do not use, and have not
> used, the film camera since acquiring your digital camera?

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