I'm #3.

Thomas Van Veen Photography

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 1:00 PM
> To: PDML
> Subject: Silly Digital Survey
> With fond memories of surveys past <g>:
> 1) How many have totally given up shooting film and have moved
> completely to digital (That means no film and film cameras in your
> equipment cabinet)?
> 2) How many are in the process of doing so (like Bruce, who 
> is actually
> selling equipment) as opposed to "thinking about it," which doesn't
> count in this survey.
> 3) How many have made the switch to digital, but keep a film camera
> around for one reason or another, although you do not use, 
> and have not
> used, the film camera since acquiring your digital camera?
> 4) To put the numbers in perspective, how many list members 
> are there.
> shel

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