William Robb wrote:

> Interesting take, blaming the misuse of software for a problem, rather
> than those who misued the software.

Well said.  I get to see quite a few ppt presentations at work and they 
never impress me.  It has nothing to do with ppt itself - they're just 
bad presentations.  Usually too much info on a slide, and stupid colour 
choices resulting in unreadable text.  Or the most common problem: boring 
content :)

I do dislike ppt but only from when I've had to use it and found it too 
restrictive.  But its easy to whip something up in a short time.

I did a short presentation a couple of weeks ago.  I decided to use Flash 
as a learning exercise, and because I wanted better control over the 
effects.  It turned out that I had to be extremely careful about my 
transitions and animations, in addition to the content itself.  Flash 
gives you enough control to *really* screw things up ;)

I definitely recommend previewing a presentation using the data projector 
while you still have the time to make changes.  I found that the one we 
use at work has big problems with pure red, and has nowhere near the 
contrast of a CRT monitor.

> Next thing you know, Nasa will be suing Microsoft for the replacement
> cost of a space shuttle. 

Hmm, not sure if MS could even afford that.  I'm too lazy to use Google: 
what does a new shuttle cost these days?


- Dave


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