Amita wrote
I doubt it. There's really nothing a Mac can do that a Windows machine
> can't do just as well. Maybe years ago that was true, but not anymore.
> Amita

Well Amita for the most part you are right. What is really important is not 
what the computers can do but how they do it. It is the Mac interface that 
makes most of us Mac lovers so strong in our beliefs. Photoshop acts pretty much 
the same in windows and on a mac. But go to save a file on windows, put it in 
the wrong place or whatever and it seems to disappear. It's hard and probably 
fruitless to try to convince window users of the benefits to using a Mac. But 
don't all you Window users wonder why 99 per cent of those who use a Mac 
absolutely adore them? Doesn't that say something? It's like owning a Pentax limited 
lens. A regular Pentax lens takes the same picture, but the love affair 
between the photographer and the lens is not the same. The limited lens is so 
lovely that it inspires the photographer to use it, to experiment with it, to wring 
the last little bit of exquisite beauty out of it.
Without sounding too corny, that's the feeling Mac owners have. And for a few 
dollars more you too could enjoy it....

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