On 6 Jan 2004 at 13:54, mike.wilson wrote:

> if there was
> enough wind to turn the blades, why is the vegetation unblurred?  I see
> the very tops are moving but I would expect more.   Maybe that is
> another exposure....  He lists nine exposures but I can only count 15
> blades which, divided by the normal three, gives a five exposure shot. 
> The conifers and birches/aspens could be separate exposures.

I make it five shots too, since the multi-exposure function is additive the 
post of the turbine would make overwrite the foreground bushes so I guess it's 
all the one scene. Maybe the perspective makes the height deceptive and often 
standing below there is little breeze even though the turbine is spinning at 
quite a rate. From recollection wind speed at 35 metres will generally be at 
least twice that at ground level, most turbines are at least 25m above ground.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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