On 8/1/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>So Pimms are premixed cocktails? Yuck!

Pimm's was invented in the 1840s, by the owner of an oyster bar in the
City of London. James Pimm offered the tonic (which was a gin based drink
containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs) as an aid to digestion,
and served it in a small tankard. This is where the "No. 1 Cup" moniker arose.

Later in the century he began to produce it commercially, and it rapidly
caught on amongst the upper and middle classes. The early 20th century
saw Pimm's appealing to a new audience, as US servicemen posted to
Britain picked up on a drink that closely mirrored some of the cocktails
they'd been used to back home.

After the Second World War, Pimms extended their range, utilising a
number of other spirits as bases for new "cups". No. 2 cup was based on
Scotch, No. 3 employed brandy, No. 4 rum, No. 5 rye and No. 6 vodka. The
only one of the variants still in production is the vodka cup, No. 6,
although this is made in much smaller quantities than the original No. 1 cup.


So, to re-cap:

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs

and just in case there was any mistake:

a gin based drink containing quinine and a secret mixture of herbs


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