
Cotty wrote:

> But wouldn't large(ish) calibre bullets make a mess of what you're trying
> to photograph - depending on subject, of course? If it was an egg, for
> instance, wouldn't an air gun pellet make a more interesting shot than a
> .22 round? Not my cup of tea, just procrastinating. I filmed some police
> marksmen recently on an indoor range letting off handguns and it scared
> the daylights out of me. Sorta like when you're standing close to the
> edge of a tall building and you think 'hmm, I could just end it all right
> now and leap off....'

I've got almost a whole wasted film of a group of people watching
Chieftain tanks fire, at Lulworth range.  Every time one let off,
everyone in the group lifted off the ground.  I couldn't control my own
reactions enough to get the shot of them levitating.  I just wanted to
_leave_, right now!  They were a good 50 yards away and pointing in the
opposite direction.  Lord preserve anyone who gets in front of one.


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