
SB> Scanners used will be an Imacon Flextight 626 (I believe
SB> that's the number) and the Nikon Coolscan IV 4000dpi unit,
SB> if that makes any difference.

Let me add my bits to that. One of my friends used to have the Nikon
scanner you mentioned. Apparently, scanning usual B&W negatives was
not this scanner's favorite. I've been given some technobabble about
LED based Nikon and diffused light based Epson flatbeds...

Anyway, to the taste of that guy, outcome of Nikon sucked. He then
went to buy himself another scanner as he is a pro and has to do a lot
of scanning.

I wouldn't be able to help you with your choice between RGB and
grayscale. But perhaps it would be worth if you forwent (?!) Nikon and
went straight to Imacon scanner.

Just my cents.


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