At 04:27 PM 02/02/2004, "wendy beard" wrote:

>You've forgotten to factor in the Tax you get clobbered for when the camera 
>comes over the border and the shipping cost. So really, that camera from 
>B&H ~could~ cost
>(1815 x 1.15) + (40 x 1.35)  = 2141

Well, I didn't *forget* so much as omit.  I have some American friends who come to 
Canada so I just get them to bring in stuff for me.  I think I pay enough income tax 
as is.  Sigh... the disadvantage of living of Canada... and this damn cold... I 
thought I was going to die last week.

>(Did your 10 round trips to NYC cover the cost of you taking the day off 
>work to do it as well? What's that, another $400 ;-) )

no.  but at this rate, I'll be laid off anyway so I say its negligible haha.


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