So, what do you think we should retitle this thread as?  <vbg>

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/03/04 01:17PM >>>

During the first week of what would become an 11-year sojourn in 'Oz, I

had this explained quite graphically to me by young lady during a mixed

conference meeting of about 20 persons.    Took about a week for normal

colour to return to my face. Never forgot that one.  Was reminded by 
some from time-to-time.   They had a lot of fun with this Yank  and I 
thoroughly enjoyed my stay in 'Oz.   A bit later, she turned out to be

one of the finest solictors I ever worked with. 

Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

>This is too funny to me - in Australia, what we refer to as a "fanny"
is in
>fact only found only on a lady and is the FRONT rather than the BACK
>them, iykwim?
>We here, call what you are referring to, a BUM! lol
>AND rather than "fanny pack", it is a "bum bag"...
>>Cesar wrote:
>>>Can I find a larger fanny pack?
>>How big is your fanny likely to grow?

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