Yes, there would be.  Canada Customs, in its great generosity, charges
both GST and PST on almost every piece of used photographic equipment it
catches coming into Canada, plus a duty fee.  UPS no doubt has its own
duty or "handling" fee that you'll have to pay.  So much for 'free' trade.

I recently lent a 50/1.2 to a list member in the US, who kindly returned
it with a 50/1.7.  I believe the package was marked as a gift, as well.
Canada Customs decided that there was over a hundred dollars owing in
taxes and duties before they would allow me to pick up my own lens.  I had
to mail them a letter, complete with evidence that I had purchased the
50/1.2 and had already paid tax on it, and that I was given the 50/1.7 as
a gift, before they would release the lenses.  They eventually allowed me
to collect my own equipment for no charge, but not until well over a month
had passed and Christmas had come and gone, leaving me without the lens.

It's a telling fact that the Canada Customs and Revenue agency (yes, our
broder is guarded by our tax collectors) is changing its name to the
Canada Revenue Agency.  Customs is not concerned with patrolling our
borders, or keeping our country safe, or even with facilitating travel and
understanding between our countries, but with squeezing every bit of
revenue it can out of the border for our coffers.  It's all revenue to

Not that I'm bitter....


On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, David Madsen wrote:

> Can anyone tell me if there would be any duties or customs charges if I
> shipped a used item from the US to Canada using UPS?
> David Madsen

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