----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lawrence Kwan"
Subject: Re: OT:shipping to Canada

> On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, William Robb wrote:
> > > Actually, all the UPS horror stories only applies for UPS
> > > shipping. If you ship by UPS Express or Expedited, there is NO
> > > brokerage fees, it is included.
> >
> > Well, no. It doesn't.
> > At least not in my experience.
> It DOES include brokerage fees for UPS Express or Expedited, I am
> sure of that. And I have used it for mail order companies which can
> ship by UPS; and there was no brokerage fees at all, only taxes.
> avoid UPS Ground or UPS Standard service at all cost.
> And you can confirm it by checking out this page, it's all spelt
out quite
> clearly:
> As you can see, the worst deal is for shipping UPS Ground with a
> value of $40.10, as they would charge you $18.45 (46% of your item
> And it stated that brokerage is free for Express or Expedited
> There is a disbursement fee, which can be avoided if you call them
and pay
> the taxes in advance after you got your tracking number.

I'll take your word for it, and avoid UPS whenever possible.
I have had stuff shipped in from them via air and ground.
The only difference I saw was that ground shipment from New York is
about 2 months, air is about 2 weeks.
Either way, they pillaged my bank account on delivery.
Does their website cover their drivers leaving parcels on the street
in front of your house? Or is that covered in the bonus segment of
the website?
I have found that they tend to make up rules as they go along, and
don't really regard delivering parcels to the person on the waybill
as a high priority.
As always, YMMV

William Robb

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