----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Forbes"
Subject: Re: Slide Dup for *ist D

> Ordinary slide copiers are designed for a camera/sensor with
dimensions of
> 24x36mm.  Anything smaller crops the slide, which is not what you
> So far there are no APS slide copiers on the market, and people are
> to use ingenuity.  Unfortunately, ingenious inventions of the Heath
> Robinson variety may work, but are seldom quick.
> I know, I am still trying.

I am pretty sure that the best method is going to turn out to be
extending the slide farther from the lens, but this will require a
custom made rod to mount the slide duplcator to the front of the
bellow, and a longer bellows from the slide holder to the lens.
Right now, the best method I have found (note this is not the best
method) is to mount a close-up filter onto the front of the 77mm.
This gives about 50% more crop than the 50mm lens that the system is
designed to work with, and the close-up filter allows the thing to
focus on the slide within the confines of the equipment dimensions.
It's not really great, as the close-up filter adds it's own special
quality to the dupe (stopping down helps), but it does allow for
rapid slide duping.

William Robb

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