Just a bit of caution here. From personal experience, I can say that you can have trouble with the Visa/Master cards here in the US and elsewhere, especially when travelling, due to profile exceptions showing up in the automated fraud prevention programs. Sorting it out can range from a simple phone call or frustratingly difficult series of communications and delays depending on access to a sane, intelligent rep and the nature of the exception. In one case someone had started to use my card no. in another country. The card co. just shut the card off including in process charges which I had to clear one by one in the following days. But, I'm not complaining: very few of the bad charges ever got to my account and those that did were reversed on the following statement -- no questions. I was offered a replacement new account card by "express courier", but that wasn't practical due to my schedule. Fortunately, I had other cards. I believe there was an accounting of similar experiences by a few persons in one of the recent "Electronic Design" columns.
American Express has never been a problem for me, except once in a country where all credit card transactions were suspended for awhile throughout the entire country. (That was an interesting experience to say the least.) I try to get by on credit cards when traveling, but I always carry some "emergency" cash and some other backup source of funds like travelers checks, letter of credit, etc. just in case --- however, I really hate being hung up chasing funds when I'm traveling --- so I take more precautions than most would find necessary.

Otis Wright

Peter J. Alling wrote:

We invented it. It used to be called BankAmeracard, I remember when the name was changed. You shouldn't have any
trouble using it but I'd look into the conversion rate your bank may charge, it's usually quite competitive but I've only been
changing from US dollars.

Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

Just wondering - with regards to my USA trip - I was thinking of not
bringing any cash at all, and just paying my spending money off my visa. It
will be a great help for tax purposes etc, and I rarely carry cash here any
more, I usually use EFTPOS for everything. How widely accepted is VISA in
the States? Are you able to pay taxi's etc with VISA? Or should I carry
some cash with me? What about on GFM? Are there any teller machines that
will allow me to withdraw cash from my VISA? I have a pretty large purchase
that I will be making whilst I am over there and will need to get my hands
on at least USD$650 whilst I am on the mountain (or beforehand to bring
with me)....


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