--- Rob Studdert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On
25 Mar 2004 at 8:36, Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
> > What other options might there be for inexpensive
> carry-arounds?
> I have a great old Super Baldax which is a coupled
> 6x6 folding coupled RF with 
> a very nice Schneider Radionar 2.9/80mm lens. It's
> tiny when folded. They are 
> pretty rare but do pop up occasionally. Email me if
> you'd like a pic of it.
Apologies for yet another eBay link, but here is one,
just the thing, If I hadn't just bough a *isD I would
be bidding!!


You may need a bit more than $100 for something worth
putting film into...but scour the boot/yard/charity
sales/fleamarkets.. These things can still be serviced
as long as they are all there! Cheers, Tom. 

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