>In a message dated 3/27/2004 6:04:44 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
I wonder why it only seems to spit that out on rare occasions, as opposed to 
every time he gets an e-mail from PDML?  I mean, we should be getting about 
200 of these a day, no?  Or, maybe his 'puter or server or something is 
smart enough to do it once, and then not repeat, each time Max goes away.  
>What to I know?

>BTW, have a great vacation, Max.  Show us pix!


Programming-wise it's quite possible that on the very first reply, the 
autobot detects it's sent an email to a list, then excludes that email address from 
further replies. Ergo, no following auto replies, only one appearing. Some 
autobots are pretty smart.

Though I've often wondered about it myself. Wondered why I only see one 
autobot reply on the list every now and not for multiple messages. Not to say I am 
not GLAD that I only see it now and then. ;-)

But I suspect the reason why is the one I have given above.

Marnie aka Doe 

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