
Eac> Later we were turned away at the door of the photography show, supposedly
Eac> because I hadn't RSVPed.

Excuse me, what is it to be RSVPed?

Eac> So shel and I retreated to comfortable and jean-friendly Berkeley
Eac> for some great Thai food.

I can relate to that...

Eac> Week #1 is dedicated to shel because he suggested that shot (and knew of a
Eac> great Thai restaurant).

Funny you know, but in Israel most pay phones are taken off the
streets. Everyone now has at least one cell phone...

Eac> Week #2 just struck my fancy.

My first and immediate reaction was "shrug"... But I've just taken
some photographs that would cause others to shrug. So I'd close my
mouth about now <g>...

Eac> Week #3 is dedicated to frank, because I was trying to be like him
Eac> (unsuccessfully -- shot in color and later grayscaled).

Marnie, is a slight lack of focus intentional here? Sorry, Frank, I
couldn't quite resist that...

Eac> I don't think any of them are fantastic or my best work or anything, but I
Eac> still welcome any and all reactions/comments.

I have one comment only. Marnie, I humbly ask of you - could you
please post a little larger images. You know, 600 or so pixels on
larger dimension.

I think PS defaults to 320 the way you seem to have used it. But it
can be digged out in options and set to whatever value there needs to

Eac> Marnie aka Doe ;-)

I've resolved to calling you by your name, if you don't mind <g>...


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