From the French. "Respondez, S'il Vous Pla", or some thing like that (I only had one semester of French in Jr High which I flunked). Literally, "respond, if you please". Means "Let us know if you plan to attend", or "Response is required".



Eac> Later we were turned away at the door of the photography show, supposedly Eac> because I hadn't RSVPed.

Excuse me, what is it to be RSVPed?

You know, when pinned down I am not really sure what the acronym means. Reply something something something. It means don't show up without replying. Call someone and let them know you are coming. In most cases, RSVP is not that important. Especially on more public events. You can show up anyway -- an RSVP is just a courtesy. Unless it's more private, like someone's birthday party. ;-)

In this case, my not RSVPing it was a good excuse to use to bar our entry.


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