One way to solve that is to specify a standard resolution for the judges to view
it at. For example, if they are going to view it with a projector, a 1024x768
pixel resolution is reasonable. This will pretty much remove all the
differences between cameras.

What's more interesting is how to relate to computer processing before


Quoting graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Kind of a side comment here, NPW is not limited to one brand of camera.
> Digital 
> would put the P&S'ers at a sever disavantage to those with DSLR's. And how do
> you feel about having to compete with 11-14mp images with your 6mp cameras?
> 35mm sides all done on the same film (NPW provides it), and processed at the
> same place, kind of levels the playing field for the contest. Give em a year
> to 
> figure it all out for digital.
> --
> Mark Roberts wrote:
> > Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>On 12/4/04, UNCLE BILL discumbobulated:
> >>
> >>
> >>>How many of you are bringing an *ist D to GFM, or other DSLR for that
> >>>matter.  We may ask some of you for suggestions on how to set up a
> contest
> >>>using digital photos.
> >>>
> >>>Bill
> >>
> >>Hi mate,
> >>
> >>Yup. D60 and some lenses plus MX and some lenses.
> >>
> >>How about shooting on a CF card (like you do) and then deleting
> >>everything that you don't want to enter, then handing over the CF card to
> >>a judge who downloads the contents to his laptop. The point is, the shot
> >>comes straight from the card with no chance of it going via a shooter's
> >>computer and being manipulated - colour corrected etc - just as a slide
> >>shooter's slides would be returned from the lab.
> > 
> > 
> > That would only be true if the image was in RAW format. Then we'd have
> > to deal with the software to do RAW conversions and (more significantly)
> > the time required to do it. AND we'd have to download all the images
> > from all the CF (and memory stick and SD cards) to a central computer -
> > this takes *much* longer than simply handing someone an envelope with
> > three slides in it!
> > 
> > 
> >>Perhaps a set number of images could be stipulated to be 'supplied to
> >>judge' on the card. You might shoot 376 pics, but you'd have to delete
> >>all but (say) 36
> > 
> > 
> > <BOGGLE> 36 images per participant???
> > Doug and I wouldn't get home until July!
> > 
> > Currently, participants are allowed THREE entries!
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> graywolf

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