Just got back from photographing migrating Birds at Point Pelee National Park 
in Canada. For those of you who are not aware of it, it is one of the prime 
birding locations in the world during the spring migration. Birders and 
Photographers there from around the world. Mostly North America. A lot of American 
photographers and Birders there including accomplished bird photographer Arthur 
Morris with a group  of photographers. What I wanted to say is that I have 
never seen so much "big Glass." Almost all Canon 500 and 600mm glass. Probably 95 
per cent Canon cameras, 4 per cent Nikon and just myself and an older lady in 
a wheelchair with Pentax. (She had an LX and a FA* 300. I had an LX and MZs 
and shot almost entirely with a 400mm F5.6 and 1.4 or 2X Pentax convertors. One 
photographer with a Leica SLR and 280mm F2.8. I have a few prints back. Shot 
almost all slides. I will put them up on my web site soon... Scarlet 
Tanangers. Orioles, Warblers...
Anyway it sure was a humbling experience shooting with all that expensive 
glass. I'm not sure it was necessary but I can't say until I get my film back...

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