On May 18, 2004, at 5:43 PM, graywolf wrote:

I wonder sometimes if any of these folks who say digital is so good have ever even seen an original 8x10 tranny on the light table.

Sure. I've seen hundreds of them, dating back to the time my dad was a color photo engraver for Life Magazine. He used to bring them home from work for me to play with. In later years I produced hundreds of ads shot on 8x10 by some of the country's best commercial shooters. 8x10 transparencies yield great images at great expense and great inconvenience. And when they're printed on an offset press, it's tough to tell them apart from 35mm images -- or 6 megapixel digital images. A lot of the best commercial photographers have scrapped all their film cameras in favor of digital. Why? Because it just makes sense. I recently produced an ad campaign for a worldwide client. Clint Clemens shot it at a cost of about $30,000 per photo. It was beautiful. the clients loved it, and the images were used worldwide. The format? A Canon 1DS digital.

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