
Having followed this list for the past year without contributing my impression was that you discussed OT topics here all the time.


On 21 May 2004, at 14:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Antonio said:
As to the international nature of the list (and I am only mentioning it
because you brought it up) I do not see what bearing this has on
anything - surely in times of conflict dialogue and debate should be
welcomed between those with differing opinions - the way the world
seems to be going debate and consensus are fast being replaced by the
gun and alienation, the "you are with us or against us type attitude".

Experience has shown that most members of this list do not want inflammatory
OFF-TOPIC subjects debated HERE, even if they are valid and useful subjects for
dialogue and debate ELSEWHERE. You're right, people should discuss these
things. But NOT in a forum where they generally agree to set such differences
aside to discuss a subject of mutual interest. This would be such a forum.
We have enough fun & games with the inflammatory ON-topic subjects!!


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