----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Waterson" <
Subject: 6x7 film choice

> I will be shooting some indoor dancers. The layout is simple
> with 2 x 400 Watt studio flashes 1 stop apart with a white
> paper backdrop. My film choices are simply to use the ever
> reliable Fuji Reala (iso 100) or the Fujichrome Velvia (iso 50).
> I will be using some Fuji ACROS Neopan 100 for the black and
> white stuff.
> I have never used the Velvia with the 6x7, nor have I
> used it indoors in 35mm format.
> How does the Velvia perform with flashes?
> Any under exposure problems?
> How does it handle contrasty situations?
> Any stories greatfully recieved.

Velvia is the last film I would use for this.
Consider faster films, I have 800ws of power in my studio light
setup, and find that 100 is on the slow side with the 6x7.
My standby with the 6x7 is HP-5+ for black and white, Kodak Portra
400 for colour. I don't shoot much reversal anymore in the studio,
but I would still pursue a 400 iso were I to need it.

William Robb

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