On Tue, 25 May 2004 06:36:48 -0500, you wrote:

>I think you nailed my most troubling thoughts about buying an istD right now (and its 
>just money and availability of lens)  
>There now, I've got it all figured out.  Now if only someone would buy my Mamiya 

Good luck with trying to sell that.  I sold two PZ1ps before their
value dropped too low; it would have been difficult to part with them
for bargain basement prices.   

I think the prices of used film equipment are rapidly dropping, which
is not too good for those wanting to get some money back out of their
used equipment.   The more desirable film gear should retain value for
awhile, but as time goes on it there will be more competition from
other sellers, and prices will go way down even for very good kit.

John Mustarde

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