Hello Cliff,

Pentax being the first to spell out reality, I would think that the
others are right behind.  On top of that, the film manufacturers and
labs are rapidly moving in the same direction.  Film will become a
much more expensive proposition barring B&W.

With that in mind, what is your purpose in selling?  Are you planning
to figure out the last bastion of film camera brands and rush there
only to encounter the same issue there?  Or selling your film
equipment while it still has value? or ?

I'm curious...care to elucidate?



Wednesday, June 2, 2004, 2:20:32 PM, you wrote:

CN> From PhotoZone:

CN> http://www.imaging-resource.com/NEWS/1086134375.html 

CN> If this is true, I will be selling my Pentax 35mm
CN> equipment (MZ-S, Z1p, F-300mm f4.5, etc) very soon. I
CN> will keep people posted when I do (though I am not a
CN> regular contributer to this list).

CN> Cliff

CN> =====
CN> Cliff Nietvelt Photography 
CN> PO Box 1142, Station M
CN> Calgary, Alberta 
CN> T2P 2K9
CN> www.cliffnietvelt.com 

CN> __________________________________
CN> Do you Yahoo!?
CN> Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
CN> http://messenger.yahoo.com/ 

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